12 Healthy Ways to Lower Your Blood Sugar
When the blood sugar levels are fluctuating frequently conditions like hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. In order to prevent these disease from occurring along with medications people should bring change in their eating habits and their lifestyles. This uncontrolled sugar can affect the organs adversely like heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves. Normally when this damage occurs, our body is apparently in an OK state. But still any disease conditions might occur. Hence it is wise to keep the sugar levels of our body under a watch so to avoid regret in the end when the conditions have worsened beyond repair.
Following are the some day to day adaptation which can help you keep your sugar levels in handy.
1. Walk It Out
If you are naturally lean and you have made no effort in keeping yourself fit but you are all too smart automatically already at the ideal BMI does not means keeping on your butt always. This is because scientists from University of Florida proves that those people who have no or very less physical activity are suspected to have high levels of blood sugars. Also they are exposed to the risk of acquiring diabetes. It’s quite justified that people have such working hours that it makes them seated in a single position for long hours.
It is recommended to prefer stairs over escalators and elevators, walk down the alley to the grocery store to buy whatever you need and better still keep a pet dog to go for walks and also running with them and also prefer bicycling around the nearby areas of your place instead of your car. Every week make sure you engage yourself in 150-200 minutes of exercise. Also go for walks every morning to burn the extra sugars present in the blood. Research says that a thirty-minute post meal walk can be very effective in keeping a balance in your body.
2. Eat More Barley
In our efforts to have more quinoa we literally forgot a golden grain, barley. It was an oft used alternative to wheat in the past however today most of us avoid it. It is a grain stuffed with a lot of fibre that slakes our hunger and also it lowers the blood glucose levels with reference to the study conducted on cell metabolism in Sweden. The microflora of your digestive tract interacts with the barley and metabolises the carbohydrates available immediately.
If a person consumes about a cup of barley flour every day he is likely to intake approximately 6 grams of fibres which is enough to silent your hyped sugar in the blood. We can make them not only take them in the form of bread but also include it in the form soup or salads or plate them with some protein rich fish or chicken.
3. Bump Up Your Exercise Intensity
Exercise is not merely a process of burning the calories. But also a alternatively going process of breakdown and makeup of muscles. Thus a wise selection of the types of exercises and their duration is necessary. It’s the best passage for boosting up the metabolism of the body which in essence is the process of the sugar breakdown. Thus, it should be wisely scheduled. It should include rigorous exercises like running or sprinting on the tread mill. Certain exercises categorized as cardio which are laborious so their time should be short followed by slow jogging and yoga.
During the course of these movements of the body the muscles like a sponge soak all the sugar to supply adequate amounts of energy. This process is intensified during the heavier exercises. Those with type 2 diabetes have special advantage during the developmental stages as it delays its occurrence. Also giving some part of everyday to physical exercise helps improve the sensitivity of the body towards insulin an effective protein in lowering the blood glucose levels.
4. Combine Your Macronutrients
The human requires many different kinds of nutrients that are broadly classified as macro-nutrients and micro nutrients. Many of the diet plans people follow are merely concentrating on any one of the nutrients mainly macro-nutrients. However, according to the experts this is not a wise approach. Albeit, macro-nutrients such as protein are essential. But are solely relying upon them to fulfill all the needs of the body is not a smart decision. A balanced combination of these macro-nutrients can bring fruitful results. Like a balanced proportion of proteins, carbs and fats will help the body regulate as their combination is just perfect to control blood sugar levels.
Proteins or fats acts as blood buffers by slowing down the digestion process and lowering blood sugar content. In case of type 1 diabetes a sudden surge in the blood glucose levels is followed by a drastic drop. However if this sugar intake is accompanied with proteins and fats this fluctuation can be prevented. Like for example the next time you go for eating a fruit (source of carbs) pair it with a proteinaceous egg and some chicken or maybe some avocado as source of good fats.
5. Go for Whole Fruit over Juice
“juice your veggies and eat your fruits” an oft repeated phrase. It is recommended to us by many health experts while we aim to follow a proper balanced diet. Such an expert Wylie-Rosett says that when you take juices of fruits, we consume more carbs instead of the times we eat the whole fruits. Like for example in each 8 ounces of the juice a gram of sugar is there in comparison to a whole fruit has 4g of sugar In it. Its good to drink juice at times. But replacing the fruits with them is not wise enough and also its quantity should also be carefully watched.
6. Walk After Meals
As mentioned above walk can be very effective in the course of maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Its importance can be scarcely neglected soon after the meals and specially those which are rich in carbohydrate. Soon after the grab your walk shoes put them on and stroll.
The research published in the journal “Diabetologia” suggests that those who walk approximately for 10 minutes after each meal have comparatively lower blood sugar concentration averagely calculated as 12% in contrast to those who hardy walked a block in a day. The sole purpose is to stay active for some after the meal instead of getting into bed soon after the food. Activity improves the effectivity for insulin in the blood. For those who can’t go for strolling soon after meals due to some engagement are recommended to engage themselves in some activity involving the use of body sugars. So that the walking part could be compensated.
7. Pick Veggies Wisely
Too often we consider vegetables as zero carb foods however it’s not true. Vegetables like corns, squashes and peas constitute a major portion of carbohydrates in them and a cup of them every day comprises approximately ads 15 grams of carbohydrates to our body. When they were compared with non-starchy vegetables which contained in hem half as much the starchy veggies. So, people who complain about continuous variance in their sugar levels can consume the less starch containing foods as much as they can be avoiding those full of starch.
However, diet experts say that everything eaten within proportion is good and harmless. Anything that exceeds limit is problematic always. Hence non- starchy vegetables like cauliflower, kale, spinach, Brussels, sprouts and etc should be preferred over potatoes, peas and other starchy vegetables.
8. Get Enough Vitamin D
Vitamin D is not only necessary for maintaining stronger bones but also somehow, they impact the blood glucose status. During a study in 2013 it was deduced that people supplemented with vitamin D had better levels of glucose than those who were deficient. Although a lot of research is required in this regard. But experts still believe that this important vitamin has its influence on the utilisation of the sugar present in the blood. Before you need to supplement yourself with artificial supplements go for consumption of products such as milk, sardines, UV exposed mushrooms and etc.
9. Drink More Water
According to a diet expert Wylie-Rosett drinking too much water even if you are not thirsty is not wise. She recommends to drink water only when you are thirsty. It also does not mean to dehydrate yourself in negligence as when you lose a lot of water the sugar concentrates in the blood. And if you are diabetic this is even more risky. Just like if you mix sugar into a glass of water and put it outside the water will evaporate and sugar will be left. So, the scientist suggests to keep yourself hydrated.
Now the question that comes to our mind how much water a person should drink in a day. The suggested count ranges from 8-10 glasses a day. However there is as such measure as to how many glasses of water necessary. You could keep check if you are taking in adequate amounts of water by examining the color of your urine if its moderately light yellow it means your body is hydrated.
10. Prefer nuts over snacks
The snacks we churn between the meals are loaded with plethora of carbohydrates and bad sugars which disturb your sugar levels in the blood quite haphazardly. Studies suggests that if these snacks are replaced with nuts the body would be more healthy and active throughout the day also preventing our bodies against the carcinogenic additives and flavor makers in the processed foods.
In Canada during 2010, a study concluded that these nuts when taken with the meals and or just them are very beneficial as they carry a lot of essential supplements the body needs and don’t have too many carbs in them. So, a handful of nuts everyday are enough to keep your body aided with essential things and keep you away from bad carbs.
11. Eat More Mindfully
Mindful eating is imperative and its importance can hardly be avoided. Experts suggest while you are eating do not engross yourself in any other activity such as watching tv or doing some other work. This is so because when you are not paying attention to your hunger chances are that we mostly consume more food in comparison to the amount we actually require. Stay present while you eat. Surveys conducted on such people who left everything at meal time and concentrated on food ate less thus lost weight also managed their blood glucose levels.
Many diabetic patients also benefited from this routine according to the Journal of Academy Of Nutrition and Diabetics. It tampers down our cravings and prevent binge eating habits which ultimately lead to obesity which is a risk factor exposing the body to sugar and insulin insensitivity.
12. The Bottom Line for Your Blood Sugar
As such there are no diet plan for those who are diabetic or pre-diabetic. Although many insurance companies are for the better understanding of their clients attach a nutritionist with every client. They are beneficial as they carefully watch what we eat and how much calories and sugars it weighs. However for those who can’t reach to a dietitian need to watch themselves what is that they are consuming and how much sugars or carbohydrates it has.
This is how you will learn to choose those foods that help maintain the blood sugar level within tolerable ranges. Also, it will increase the insulin sensitivity of the patients which is too necessary in maintaining health of a diabetic. These diets vary from person to person and the experts design it according to the requirement of everybody.
I do hope that you like this article. Feel free to comment your concerns. Your insights regarding healthy ways to lower blood sugar are a valuable increase. Content Source: https://www.healthuses.com
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